Monday, April 14, 2008

Blog changes?

Hi friends, I am trying to change the template of this blog and I don't know where you all get the great ones you have! I have used Pyzam, but I am looking for something else....Let me know where to go!
Thanks a ton


Jenn said...

Hey Melinda,
I hope all is well with you and your family. Your little guy is so cute! I usually make my own templates with digital scrap paper, but that is a little complicated to explain. It took me a long time to figured it out, but you can check out They have some great free templates you can download.

heidijogoody said... They have lots of cute ones on this and she has the directions right on the side of how to do it and you won't lose all your information you currently have!

Allyson said...

another place is matiekay. i have a link on my site. but that cutest blog on the block is a good one.

Allyson said...

sorry for another comment but Lealou is another cute site.
I also have a link from my site for that one.

heidijogoody said...

Hey Melinda I sent you and email to invite you to my blog to view it since it is private now so just make sure if you want to view it you check your email first and accept the invitation!