Monday, October 6, 2008


In June I decided to make my own curtains. My windows are 118 inches high, so I could not buy them that long...without spending a fortune. Jeff asked me when I thought I would be done, I said, 'Oh maybe in a month'. He thought that was a long time. Well, here we are 4 1/2 months later and I am HALF WAY DONE!!!
Go ME!!!


Sarah Bogh said...

Wow! those look awesome! good job!

heidijogoody said...

I think those are looking great. Way to go you Martha Stewart you!

Jen Hunter said...

HA HA that is so awesome. Sounds like something I would totally do. Start a project, finish a year later. They look great though. Your boys are so cute and look nothing alike, hilarious!

crazycranefamily said...

Those look great. I am queen of starting fantastic, inexpensive projects that NEVER get done. Chad almost always has to finish them. He wouldn't touch finishing drapes though. Keep going your halfway there! Plus you have two teenies to look after.

Av8tor said...

Tell him you'll trade the "huntin'" duties for the "gatherin'" duties and see how quickly he jumps in the car. I totally think the guys have the easier job description. They just hunt. We gather, prep, cook, clean, wash, organize (ok, that's just me not you on this one)and sometimes even have to land the airplane (again me not you). Yummy cookies BTW. Glad you're my neighbor and not Heidi's. I'm selfish about baked goods.