Sunday, July 20, 2008

You may notice

The new picture of Christ I have added. I took the cue from Diana, thanks! We have been told in this past months ENSIGN to share our faith in all aspects of our lives. To share online. So here I am sharing....
I would hope in knowing me you would know that I have a testimony of the truthfullness of the Gospel. But I am shy, and panic in church all too often. So I would like to share a bit of my testimony with you.
I know that Joseph Smith is a true Prophet of God. That he saw God the Father with his Son, Jesus Christ, and that he did in fact restore the fullness of the Gospel in this time. I know that we have a true and living Prophet on the Earth today, President Monson, and that he speaks with God and receives revelation needed for us today. I believe in the power of prayer, and know that I am heard when I pray. I am so grateful for the plan of salvation, which will allow me to be with my family for Eternity. I know that God is ever mindful of us here and loves us. I am so thankful for the Holy Ghost, for guidance, support, and for the Relief Society. I am so blessed to have the Preisthood in my home, and the faith here to allow my husband to exercise it in our times of need. I know I belong to the actual Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and that it is the true church on the Earth today.
Thanks for letting me share!
Go to for more info


heidijogoody said...

I love this thanks for this nice post.