Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gwyneth Kate Sorenson

Baby Gwyneth was born at 7:05 a.m. on Saturday November 6, 2010. Weighing in at 7 lb. 4 oz., and 20 inches tall. She was the fastest of my 3 deliveries. From start (because they induced labor) to finish was 2 hours, 5 minutes! My doctor barely made it to the room in time!
I wrote the whole story in Gwyn's baby book, so this is the shorter version!
Daddy holding her for the first time, in our delivery room. He was so excited! We both couldn't believe that she was ours, this tiny little princess!

Here she is only a few minutes old, already happy, and looking around. She was in such a hurry to get here that mommies epiduryl didn't have time to set in all the way. But she was also nice enough that the speed made it do-able!

Gwyneth & Mommy's first photo op! She was so warm, and tiny!


Mary said...

Congratulations!! She is beautiful!

Sarah Bogh said...

Melinda! She is so perfect! Congratulations Mommy! I am so happy for you guys and so excited for Friday!!!

Diana said...

I Love her little name. We've loved it for so long! Darling. I love seeing the PINK in with your boys. Your just going to adore her forever. ENJOY three kids, you will do great!!!

Heather said...

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you and your guys, and I love her name. :) You are just radiant in that last picture!

Funny thing, we had a midnight check-in for our induction too, but our little girl didn't come out till after 7pm! Oh, and our Elizabeth also weighed 7lbs 4oz, though she was 1/2 an inch shorter than your sweet little Gwyneth. :)


Ben Katie & Peyton said...

Congrats! She is adorable:)

heidijogoody said...

She is so darling! Congrats and how nice only a 2 hour labor :)

Hannah :] said...

SHE'S BEAUTIFUL! and as much as I was iffy on the name in the beginning I think Gwen is starting to grow on me :] Your'e family is wonderful! Till Thanksgiving!!! :]