She is definitely the cutest bug ever. (sorry other moms).

10 month old stats: Weight 18 lb, 15.5 oz.
Height 30.25 inches
She has grown 4 inches since her 5 month check up. Ha! We grow 'em tall around here!
Also she is starting to crawl, which she hates, and walk, which she loves. We have to hold her hands, but if we are busy she is really great at holding onto what ever is available to walk with. Today she pushed her highchair around the kitchen.
Gwyneth has a lot of facial expression, always has. My personal fav is her OOoooo, her eyes get huge and her eyebrows lift, its super cute. Sometimes she whistles without knowing it!
She just figured out that she can sit up in bed, and this morning I found her standing. When she stands still we all get so excited that now she claps and laughs for herself.
I have decided that she thinks Jeff, Brady and Zach are all pronounced DaDa.
She says Mama, Dada, I swear she said ta-da today, and she tries to mimic basic sounds we make to her. She knows how to get what she wants, and tells me 'all-done', by sign language when she is. Today she was all-done talking to the man at the community center, so she started waving good-bye to him. I got the hint and we left!