Sunday, December 19, 2010


We've had a lot of sickness at our house this month, Zach got the worst of it. Can you see the lump on the right side of his neck? It started as a small lump, but after his nap it had swollen so large that his face looked crooked, the swelling started under his ear and wrapped to the back of his neck! Scary! We took him to the ER, where he had an IV put in his hand for fluids and dye, and antibiotics. Then he had a CAT scan of his neck. He was very brave and only cried a little for the IV.
Jeff took him up and I followed after all the scary stuff was over. Good thing Jeff took him. He had Zach thinking his IV was a laser gun, he was shooting the place up all night! He told me over and over again, "I got a shot and I cried". But he was happy, so I guess it's ok.
Around 11:00 p.m. they finally had results, infected lymph node. The best case scenario! After an hour of IV antibiotics we were able to take him home. He is doing much better, and even felt better the next morning. His swelling is slowly going down, and after another week of meds he should be all better! He is starting to talk better, he babied the lump so didn't move his neck and jaw normally for a few days.
The ER is scary to think of but was so awesome, the doctors and nurses were great, and we were very well taken care of. They even gave Jeff dinner! We won't be scared to go there again, and we'll be quicker to go, that's for sure.
Love this little guy! I'm so grateful for healthy kids!

Baby Smiles

Santa, Santa, Ho Ho Ho!

As a tradition, I took the kids to see the real santa at the mall! Check out zach's smile, this is what he does when other people tell him to smile! So funny!
Gwyneth saying,"Mom, these shoes are too big!"

Were there ever 3 cuter kids? I think not!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Drivers Watch Out!

Our new great neighbors have 3 electric cars. Needless to say the boys love them! Zach can drive them all like the big kids do. Colin told Zach to get his gun. Well, he did not have one, so he used his hands. Notice how he had two barrels! Cute little chubby fingers! Where did that hat come from?

Silly Bean, wanted an upclose picture. Got it.

First Sunday

We took Gwyneth to church today. I was a nervous wreck, but she did great! She is so cute in her dress and tights, we had to take a bunch of pictures! A little smile!

This is how Wynnie helped Daddy put up Christmas lights yesterday. She's a great little helper!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Princess Wynnie
I have two babies. This week they both took a binkie. I couldn't miss the chance to get a picture!


I let Zach sit in a booster seat the other day, he really likes them.
He unbucled himself, on a busy street, to reach a granola bar.
I panicked. Yelled all the following things at him:
1. That's dangerous!
2. If we get hit you'll die! (I don't hide the truth from my kids, scary or not)
3. You can't ever sit there again!
Then I tried to be more literal, paint the picture for him;
Zach, if we get in a wreck you could fly out the window, and be very hurt on the street!
His response?
" mooomm, If I fly out the window I'll use my "wubs", to fly, it's ok!" While showing me his hand in the air....
Ribs? Wings? I was lost.
Until while playing that night I told the story to Jeff. Zach did it again. This time it hit me.
Zach believes he is Spider Man. He flies with his WEBS!
Poor kid thinks he has super powers! HA!